How do I set the Radius Targeting for a Campaign?

Follow these instructions to set or edit the Radius Targeting for a Campaign.

Please note that a Campaign's Radius Targeting can only be edited if the Campaign is in Draft status. To edit a Campaign in Draft status, click on the Campaign's card and expand the Location & Audience dropdown.

Let’s imagine that your restaurant is a bullseye. Your Ad Radius represents the geographical area around your restaurant that you’d like to target with your Campaign. The Ad Radius is set to 5 miles by default because the people who spend time near your location are more likely to visit your restaurant than those farther away. Focusing your ads saves money and gets better results.


To change the radius, click on 5 miles to reveal a dropdown menu where you can choose from the following options: 
IV-A Create A Campaign - Ad Radius-1

Selecting Custom Radius will reveal a new dropdown menu where you can choose a custom distance for your Ad Radius, as seen below:
IV-A Create A Campaign - Ad Radius Custom-1